Saturday 27 November 2010

Results of the meeting of Leiria (20th November 2010)

The attainment of the objectives of the learning Partnership is made nearer. Particularly we have appreciated in the report of the Finnish group the combined use of google docs with wordpress.
Concerning the constructivist approach presented by the Portuguese we’d like to underline the following aspect: to evaluate what and how an adult learns through the decoding of cognitive maps employed by the examined representative sample.
Particularly the tool employed to discover the cognitive maps has aroused a lot of interest. According to us, in a future project, an experimentation could already be initialized directed to fight the racism and the xenophobia in the adult world that is a priority of LLP underlined in these last years.
Through the care of the language we can change and get clean our concepts, too.
The Spanish and Polish groups finally have showed that through the blog and a good structuring of the adult learners’ groups it is possible to get shortly time good results.

By Italian group

1 comment:

  1. I agree that addressing xenophobia is one of the key issues in the future, because the world is getting smaller all the time, and people are in much more contact with each other. In Valkeakoski, the non-Finnish population is very small. However, we think that our Lifelong Learning Centre is a place where that population can come together with the Finnish population. We are thinking about establishing an "international cafe" which would serve as a meeting place for people of all nationalities, both in person and online. This could be one of the aspects for a future project as well.
