Social Media for English
- ICT skills
- Students have a meeting in the computer lab before starting the course they receive instructions and practice necessary to get computer for using tools on the Moodle platform.
- ICT support will be available throughout the course.
- Students are introduced to use login and password.
- Number and length of contact lessons
- The course is performed in a blended way, so a few lessons are given in presence of the students.
- The lessons are of two hours each per week when in presence, lessons online should be of the same length and the lasting can be controlled by the teacher on the platform .
- Tasks and interaction
- Tasks are structured in 15 learning units.
- Interaction is carried out through forum, e-mailing and skype.
- Intervention
- Trough the forum inside the Moodle platform is possible at every moment to interact between teacher-student/s and student-student.Interaction is of course possible in lessons in presence.
- Forming groups
- Small groups of learners are formed to performe role playing and pair works, both online and in presence.
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