Thursday, 24 March 2011

Photographic Contest

Dear friends,
we are concluding our "Photography Course". As agreed we are sending you the “Photographic Contest” regulations. So the coordinators of each institution can organize their own jury to asses the photos we will send them in the period from the 18th April 2011 to the 1st May. 2011.
Very looking forward to meeting you in Spain.
Francesco, Stefano, Michele

Photographic Contest
At the conclusion of the "Photography Course" a photographic competition is announced for all the people who have taken part in the performed activities in class and online.

1 - The contest theme is divided into three categories:
• "men and women around me";
• “imaginative products"
• “subject freely chosen between “Animals and natural environments",
which, for the composition quality, the particular conditions of light and other details, stimulates our reflection or can transmit special emotions”.

2 - Each participant can send not more than two photographs for each category.

3 - Each photo must be sent not before the 4th April 2011 and not later than the 17th April 2011 to the Flickr group “ IEOL – PhotoContest”.

4 - The photos will be evaluated by a jury composed of 10 members: 2 for each of the institutions involved in the Grundtvig project IEOL (Finnish, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish and Italian institutions). Each juryperson will express two votes for each category.

5 - The jury will examine the photos in the period from the 18th April 2011 to the 1st May 2011. The coordinator of each institution will send, via e-mail, the results to the teachers of the course from the 1st to the 3rd of May.

6- The mail will be published and the proclamation of the winners will take place on the 9th May 2011 on the website of the IEOL project, where the three winning photographies will be published.

Adria, 20st March 2011 The course teachers:
prof. Francesco Cuoghi
prof. Stefano Vallin
prof. Michele Maglione

Saturday, 19 March 2011

The Power of Videos

Cool video on the power of youtube videos, education and learning with peers:

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Student evaluations of social media courses

In January 2011, students evaluated the social media courses they were participating in. Below you will find links to the questionnaires and summaries.


Project plan for last period

Spanish presentation in Adria

Portuguese presentation in Adria

Polish presentation in Adria